It's All Up in the Air Ch. 02

This is a love story between an older man and a younger woman. There's sex. And it's good. But it doesn't take over the story. It's a romance, so enjoy the ride! Email and comments welcome and * love * at the end is always wonderful! ~SD~

It's All Up In The Air Ch. 02

Brett made himself indispensable during my transition to a new job and a new city. I didn't want to tell him he didn't have to try so hard. He had a place in my life. I only hoped he felt the same.

One evening after we unpacked the last box, we went out for a celebratory dinner. Orlando is foodie heaven and I was anxious to begin checking all the hot places. He headed down International Drive and I knew I was in for something interesting.

We settled into a booth and were immediately set up with drinks. It was a dark and intimate little place, but not extravagant, which was my kind of place.

He gave me some history on the restaurant, then reached across the table to take my hand. "I can't tell you how much I love you being here. It was bumpy, but I'm damn glad you decided to come back."

"I am too," I smiled and squeezed his hand. His eyes twinkled in the candlelight.

"You have to know I want you. And not just in my bed," he said, his face quite serious, but I would not have doubted him. I nodded.

"I want you too," I whispered. He squeezed my hand, probably harder than he intended, and grinned.

"You also have to know why I didn't hire you. I've never felt as much pain as I did the day you walked out of my office, but I knew I had to let you go."

All kinds of feelings went through me when I thought back to that day and he watched them on my face.

"I realized that my behavior wasn't exactly appropriate for a job interview and that it was not good for business knowing someone couldn't control their feelings." I took a sip of my drink. "I've never done that before, to be honest. I'm not an emotional person, and most certainly not on the job. But you wouldn't know that and I understand that."

"Sweetheart, it had absolutely nothing to do with what happened. If nothing else, that was when I realized I was falling in love with you. I knew you weren't such a hardcore business executive that you had no feelings."

I stared at him, not sure what he said after he told me he was falling in love with me.

He smiled. "And I thought it best not to have you working for me since I want you in my life, and hope you want me in yours as well. I wouldn't want anyone thinking you got the job by favoritism. In fact, I do despise that I had to send you to my competitor, but I need you for me more."

The server came to take our order and Brett said, "Give us a couple more minutes please."


"That's a good wow and not a bad wow I hope?"

"Well yeah, of course, it is. I feel the same about you," I whispered and he smiled. "I do feel better knowing that I didn't get the job because of that ugly crying thing in your office."

He laughed loud enough the surrounding tables smiled and laughed. "Ugly huh. I don't think you could ever pull that off, Les."

Hearing the laughter, the server came back and got our order.

"Can you stay tonight?" I asked over an after-dinner drink.

"I think I'm allowed since it's the weekend, otherwise...." He shrugged, shook his head, and grinned.

"I could write you a note you know."

"Hmm, I can just imagine what that would say." He looked contemplative.

I laughed. "I'm not even going there!"

I invited him back to my apartment. I didn't know if I was ready to deal with his mansion again.

We just got in and a famous Florida thunderstorm rolled through. Both sliders were uncovered and lightning lit up the room in a series of blinding flashes accompanied by the loud cracks of thunder. There is nothing like Florida lightning and I'm not sure I will ever get used to it.

I cringed at each loud clap and Brett held me while I buried my face in his neck. He helped me out of my clothes and his while holding me close. I was clinging to him when he moved me to the bed and we slipped under the covers.

"I'll never get used to the storms here," I said, shocked to hear my own voice tremble.

"You will," Brett said, smoothing my hair back. "Takes a while, but you won't pay much attention to them eventually. Other than to get inside when you see them coming."

"You feel so good against me. And I've wanted this-"

"But, now is not the time. I get that. And I never thought I'd ever say this," he laughed, " but let's just cuddle for now. How's that?"

I nodded. Not believing how understanding he was. Sex was the furthest thing from my mind right now while the apartment kept lighting up from the wicked lightning. First thing tomorrow I was ordering room darkening curtains, I thought.

The storm rolled all night long. Loud then kept fading until you thought it was over then, another deafening crack, and it would start all over. I slept fitfully and often found myself tight against Brett's body. I could relax then and doze back off.

The delicious smell of coffee woke me up, and I stretched. It felt good because my muscles were tense all night. I saw Brett's white shirt draped over a chair and slipped it on, going to look for him.

He stood with a steaming mug of coffee looking out the sliding glass doors. His body was trim and toned like someone who had always taken care of themselves. Snug knit boxers accentuated the curve of his ass and the full pouch.

"Hope you didn't drink it all," I said, smiling.

"That shirt never looked so good," he grinned. He poured me a mug of coffee. "How are you feeling this morning? It was a rough night for you."

I went to look out. "I always seem to be falling apart when I'm with you. You must think I'm an emotional mess."

I could feel the heat of his body behind me. "I may think a lot about you, but an emotional mess never entered my mind." He put his hand on my shoulders. "From the minute I saw you at Steve's, I knew I wanted to get to know you, even though I had no idea if you'd be interested in an older guy." He chuckled. "But I was going to take my chances because you were not only beautiful, you're intelligent, compassionate, and the love you show for your brother is pretty heartwarming. I don't see that much, but then most of my time is in the corporate world, so you are an escape."

I leaned into him taking all that in. I realized I could say nearly the same things about him. We were the same, but opposites in many ways. As long as we could take it in a complementary way, we could make a perfect pair. And with both of us in the aerospace industry...

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. "How about joining me in the shower... I mean you are used to smelling like lilacs already so...." I whispered seductively with a smile.

"I don't know any man that could turn down that offer," he grinned. "And I'm all for anything to get that shirt off of you."

I reached between us and unbuttoned, letting the shirt slide off my shoulders. "Your wish..."

We kissed, my bare breast pressed into his furred chest, abrading my nipples. His hardness pushed out the front of his knit boxers and I hooked two fingers into the waistband and pushed them down. His cock sprung up, heavy and full.

Our bodies now naked and hot against each other sent the flames even higher. Our kiss turned hot and wet and I ground into his cock, trapped between our steamy bodies.

"We better get that shower now, or we won't get there," he gritted. "Your naked body was against me all night and I have to say, Leslie, you were a temptation that I had to use all my control on."

I led him into the bathroom and we stepped under the warm spray. I imagined this apartment shower wasn't near the size he was used to, but at least we were close.

I lathered my hands and began stroking down his chest. Bubbles popped and broke on his mat of chest hair and I played.

"Are you having fun?" he laughed.

I looked up. "I am." I giggled.

His slick hands slid over my ass and up my back. I wiggled against him, our bodies tight from knee to chest. I felt playful.

"You're killing me here girl," he moaned.

"Good, that was my intention."

I cupped his balls in my soapy hand and fondled them. His hard cock bumped me for attention, so I wrapped my fingers around it and lightly squeezed. By his reaction, that was the thing to do. I held his cock tight and circled my palm on the soapy slick head. He sucked his breath in through his teeth.

He slipped his hand between my legs and stroked the wet folds, just teasing my clit. In only moments I fell apart his arms.

We quickly toweled off and he led me to the bed. "I want to taste you," he whispered, urging me down. He held my thighs as his tongue, teeth, and lips worked their own magic. I was soaked in my juices.

I purred as he slowly slid his cock inside me. He was a smart man knowing that the first time he slides into us is as pleasurable as an orgasm because our pussy is stretching and conforming to his cock. He bottomed out and ground against me. I planted my feet on the bed and pushed up to meet each thrust.

The scent of our sex, the sound of our bodies pounding together, the sighs and gasps and groans overflowed our senses. His hands were on my tits, kneading and massaging. I moaned. He pinched my nipples until they grew harder and longer. He was cradled between my thighs, our pace quickened, bodies pounded harder and louder. I heard him hiss through his teeth and begin a low guttural growl. He raised up, his shaft rubbed my clit and I couldn't have held back the long wail.

I woke up in the morning to a note saying he had an early appointment and would be in touch.

I invited myself out to my brother Steve's beach house for a long weekend.

"Sorry bro, hope you didn't have plans. I can just disappear if so. I really needed to get away."

"Never. No. Not ever for you Les. You're always welcome, even when I'm not here. You're leaving with a key in fact."

We were stretched out on the loungers watching the waves crash in on the Atlantic with an iced thermos of frozen Margaritas. The dunes hid the beach from our view, and I loved the privacy he had here.

"I'm imagining watching the waves carry my stress and anxieties out to sea," I mused, chuckling.

"So what's up, sis? How's the new job? How's Brett doing by the way? I haven't had a chance to talk to him in a while."

"How'd you know we were seeing each other again?" He rolled his eyes. "Ah, okay. Guys talk too. "The job is great. I can't believe how much I love what I do. I owe you big for the heads up, by the way."

"Nah, it came up, you were qualified, it's a good company, and you would be living near me." He shrugged. "No brainer." I laughed. I refilled our drinks from the iced thermos. "So you didn't answer the other question."

"Hmm? Oh, about Brett." I put my hands palms up and said, "I don't know really." I looked out to sea for a moment. "I don't know what's going on. We've gotten close but I feel like he keeps me at arm's length sometimes. I thought I might have scared him when I got so emotional in his office, but he was adamant that wasn't an issue."

"We aren't the kind of buddies that hang around and do a lot of lock room trash talk, and Brett has always seemed to play it pretty private. I wonder how much the death of his wife affected him." He took a swallow of his drink. "When I think of him I'm sometimes surprised that he rattles around in the big house by himself. I mean, according to him that house was all her doing, from purchase to decorating. He just paid the bills."

"I admit I wondered about her too. He has never really said anything at all about her, and I'm not going to ask, but I have to think it has something to do with his feelings for me." I shrugged. "I guess the only thing I can do is let him take the lead until I can get a clearer picture."

He nodded, and said, "Let's go for a walk on the beach. That solves everything." We both laughed. It certainly took your mind off things though.

Steve and I had a blast for the weekend and I was sorry to see Sunday afternoon come. "We need to do this regularly scheduled," Steve said. I nodded and hugged him, getting teary-eyed.

"And don't forget about me when you're in Orlando!"

"I'll get there soon, I promise!" I sped off towards Orlando.

I was not surprised to not hear from Brett. His job position could often be consuming. His level three security clearance was limiting as well. I had no qualms about his interest in me, but certainly more about his past and the boundaries they seemed to toss in our way.

I was chosen to lead a project at work that promised much time. I worked in the private sector of the industry and didn't need the security clearance that Brett did. I was able to discuss what I was working on so I called Steve to bounce some thoughts off of him.

"Hey, sis! How goes it?"

I gave him a rundown of my project and my ideas. Steve worked in both the private sector and government with aeronautics and had a lot of experience with both and was able to give me some ideas. We bounced a few more things around and I had a page full of notes to build on.

"You're the best, bro," I said. "I'll keep you posted on how this goes."

"Yes! Absolutely. I want to hear how it's going." He dramatically coughed and I knew we were segueing into something. "You haven't heard from Brett have you?"

"No, but I figured he was tied up with work too."

"Yep, you're right. I hear his company has a big-ass contract on the table. You know sis, that's why I thought you two would make a great couple. Being in the same industry, you understand."

"Yeah, I've not considered that he's not contacting me for anything but work. We're into a great relationship, just a few hurdles to jump."

Two days after that my phone rang and I had a little happy moment when I saw it was Brett.

"Hello stranger," I answered, chuckling.

"I know I know, I'm so sorry Leslie. I-"

"Do not apologize. I know you have work and Steve told me you had a big contract."

"Thanks, sweetie," he said, relieved. "Yes, we're finally done with that now so I can see you again. I've missed you, you know."

"I've missed you as well."

"How about dinner Saturday night? My place...."

"Sure. What can I do? What can I bring?"

"Yourself, but I'll make sure of that because I'll pick you up."

For the second time, I was still stunned at his home. This time though we pulled into the garage and went in another entrance, not quite so grand as it went into a mudroom and then into the kitchen.

"Wow." I ran my hand over the cool granite countertop. Gold veins glistened in the overhead lighting. An island that would easily seat 6 down one side was centered and included a small sink. The rich dark wood was more like furniture than cabinets.

"Everything is all ready," he said. "I just turned it off before I left." He got a bowl of salad out of the refrigerator and filled two bowls. Plates and silverware were already in place on the counter and I was thankful because I wasn't ready to see the dining room.

"This kitchen is inspiring."

"Yes, it is fun to cook in here, just a little over the top." He acted as though he wanted to say more, but stopped.

"I think it's exquisite. It's not my style, but someone had wonderful taste."

"Yes, my late wife." I nodded.

We finished dinner and I helped him clean up and load one of the two dishwashers.

He held my hand and led me through the grand house, not really giving me time to look around, and up a winding staircase.

"I thought we might like to be a little cozier than the house allows." He opened a door to a room that was light years away from the style of the rest of the house. Overstuffed black glove leather furniture and recliners surrounded a stone fireplace. The blaze was the only light in the room but for two wall sconces.

"Don't tell me. This must be your room," I smiled.

"Yeah, I told her she could do what she wanted to do with the house, but I would like this room as mine." The soft well-worn leather told me he spent almost all of his time in here.

I put my arms around his waist. "This is definitely more you."

"You like this better than the house?"

"Well yeah, I don't want to offend you, but the house is way over the top for me. I mean it's beautiful and everything, but just too much."

He smiled and hugged me to him. I looked up to see if I could read his face but he had other things in mind and moved in for a kiss. And I was happy to leave the other subject behind.

He opened the wine and I snuggled against him on the soft leather sofa. The fire was mesmerizing and we were content to be with each other kiss and watch the flames. I knew he had just come off a stressful situation at work and needed to de-stress and I was glad to clear my mind of work as well.

"You're more comfortable in your apartment?"

"Not necessarily. I'm most comfortable when I'm with you. Could be a closet for all I care.' I thought for a moment. "I guess because for most of my life I was busy with school, then right into my career, I never took time, or had time, for other things." I laughed. "When I saw how Steve was living, I was so happy for him. That he hadn't gotten in the same rut. He found there's more out there than school, then career. Hopefully, I'll get to that point too."

"I'm not sure I would have broken out of the career thing either had it not been for Lora."

I waited a moment for him to go on, but he was silent. I didn't want to force him into saying anything more. I at least got that her name was Lora.

"Eventually I'll want to get out of that apartment. Maybe I'll get a condo or go wild and get a house," I said, laughing. "Although I'd have no clue what to look for."

He laughed. "Real estate is expensive in Orlando."

I bristled a little at that. "I know. I won't overbuy."

The truth is I doubled my salary with my move here and I had been earning a substantial amount there. As of yet, there were few in my field and fewer with the specific knowledge I had in aeronautics. Not every company would need my expertise, but those that do would pay handsomely.

I began to wonder if our age difference did have some effect on our relationship. He was older but certainly not old enough to be my father's age. He said he was falling in love with me, yet he seemed to be pulling away. I did not want to get in a relationship that he would be a father figure. I had been on my own way too long for that.

'It's getting late, Brett and I should get home. I only have tomorrow to prepare for my week." I stood up. "Which promises to be a full week."

He seemed taken off guard and was slow to stand up."Or course, Les."

He held my hand as we walked through the house taking a different path. At one time I was worried about getting lost in this house, and I had to call Steve. This time I thought I could never get used to living here. It wasn't comfortable and I felt as though I didn't belong. Whether it was the imprint of his wife that lingered in the house or not, but I didn't belong here.

As promised my week at work was intense. Brett texted me on occasion and I called him when I had a spare moment, but we hadn't seen each other since that night. I'll admit, I might be using work as an excuse to not see him right now because I had so much to sort out in my head.

I decided that I had to try to talk with him before we just faded apart. I owed myself that much.

"Hey, are you busy?" I asked when he answered somewhat abruptly.

"No, never for you sweetheart. Good to hear your voice."

"I found a great little Chinese place down the block and wondered if you wanted to come over for take-out some night next week?"

"I'm always up for Chinese! Chopsticks and all. Let me look at my schedule for next week." I heard some muffled noises. "I'm late in the office all week but Friday. Is that okay?"r"


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